Commit 4a798cf2 by 林家欣


parent 91514e48
......@@ -69,6 +69,18 @@ export const nav = [
id: uuid("gs_nav"),
name: "物联网标识工作组",
index: 0,
link: "/Org/wly",
isHiddenMenu: true,
breadcrumb: [
{ name: "机构概况", path: "/Org" },
{ name: "质检中心/协会/杂志社/标委会/其他", path: "/Org/Sites" },
{ name: "物联网标识工作组" },
id: uuid("gs_nav"),
name: "地方编码分支机构",
index: 0,
link: "/Org/Branch",
......@@ -79,6 +79,14 @@ const routes = [{
component: () => import("@/views/Org/Sites.vue"),
path: "/Org/wly",
name: "Sites",
meta: {
name: "质检中心/协会/杂志社/标委会/其他",
component: () => import("@/views/Org/wly.vue"),
path: "/Org/Branch",
name: "Branch",
meta: {
<div class="list">
<div v-for="(tmp, i) in list" :key="i" class="row" @click="handelMsg(tmp)">
<div v-for="(tmp, i) in list" :key="i" class="row">
<div class="col li">
<span :title="">{{ }}</span>
<span :title="" @click="handelUrl(tmp)">{{ }}</span>
<span :title="tmp.subName" @click="handelSubUrl(tmp)"
><a>{{ tmp.subName }}</a></span
......@@ -12,12 +15,31 @@
export default {
props: ["list"],
methods: {
handelMsg(obj) {
let routeData = this.$router.resolve({
path: obj.url,
query: obj.query,
});, "_blank");
handelUrl(obj) {
let routeData;
if (obj.type && obj.type === "link") {
routeData = obj.url;, "_blank");
} else {
routeData = this.$router.resolve({
path: obj.url,
query: obj.query,
});, "_blank");
handelSubUrl(obj) {
let routeData;
if (obj.type && obj.type === "link") {
routeData = obj.subUrl;, "_blank");
} else {
routeData = this.$router.resolve({
path: obj.subUrl,
query: obj.query,
});, "_blank");
......@@ -48,9 +70,11 @@ export default {
border-radius: 50%;
margin-right: 10px;
&:nth-child(2) {
flex: 1;
@include ellipsis;
&:nth-child(3) {
a {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #ff7f24;
......@@ -892,10 +892,8 @@ export default {
data: [
name: "国家射频识别产品质量检验检测中心",
url: "/Org/Sites",
query: {
id: "1-1",
url: "",
type: 'link',
name: "国家条码质量检验检测中心",
......@@ -906,59 +904,50 @@ export default {
name: "中国自动识别技术协会",
url: "/Org/Sites",
query: {
id: "1-3",
url: "",
type: 'link',
name: "中国条码技术与应用协会",
url: "/Org/Sites",
query: {
id: "1-4",
url: "",
type: 'link',
name: "《中国自动识别技术》杂志社电子版",
url: "/Org/Sites",
query: {
id: "1-5",
name: "《中国自动识别技术》杂志社",
subName: "电子版",
url: "",
subUrl: "",
type: 'link',
name: "中国ECR委员会",
url: "/Org/Sites",
query: {
id: "1-6",
url: "",
type: 'link',
name: "全国物品编码标准化技术委员会",
url: "/Org/Sites",
query: {
id: "1-7",
id: "1-6",
name: "全国物流信息管理标准化技术委员会",
url: "/Org/Sites",
query: {
id: "1-8",
id: "1-7",
name: "全国自动识别与数据采集分委员会",
url: "/Org/Sites",
query: {
id: "1-9",
id: "1-8",
name: "物联网标识工作组",
url: "/Org/Sites",
query: {
id: "1-10",
url: "/Org/wly",
name: "全球产品电子代码中国管理中心",
......@@ -976,10 +965,8 @@ export default {
name: "北京东方捷码科技开发中心",
url: "/Org/Sites",
query: {
id: "1-13",
url: "",
type: 'link',
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<breadcrumb />
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-3">
<left :list="routes"/>
<left :list="routes" />
<div class="col-lg-9">
......@@ -23,84 +23,90 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
routeList: [
name: "中心简介",
path: "/Org/Intro",
active: "Intro",
name: "中心领导",
path: "/Org/Leadership",
active: "Leadership",
name: "内设机构",
path: "/Org/Departments",
active: "Departments",
name: "质检中心/协会/杂志社/标委会/其他",
path: "/Org/Sites",
active: "Sites",
name: "地方编码分支机构",
path: "/Org/Branch",
active: "Branch",
name: "地方编码分支机构详情",
path: "/Org/BranchMsg",
active: "Branch",
hidden: true,
name: "国际物品编码组织(GS1)",
path: "",
type: "link",
name: "国际物品编码组织(GS1)成员网站",
path: "/Org/GS1Members",
active: "GS1Members",
name: "质量管理体系",
path: "/Org/ISO",
children: [
name: "指导思想",
path: "/Org/ISO/Ideology",
active: "Ideology",
name: "质量方针",
path: "/Org/ISO/Policy",
active: "Policy",
name: "质量目标",
path: "/Org/ISO/Goal",
active: "Goal",
name: "质量管理手册",
path: "/Org/ISO/Manual",
active: "Manual",
name: "程序文件",
path: "/Org/ISO/Files",
active: "Files",
name: "中心简介",
path: "/Org/Intro",
active: "Intro",
name: "中心领导",
path: "/Org/Leadership",
active: "Leadership",
name: "内设机构",
path: "/Org/Departments",
active: "Departments",
name: "质检中心/协会/杂志社/标委会/其他",
path: "/Org/Sites",
active: "Sites",
name: "物联网标识工作组",
path: "/Org/wly",
active: "Sites",
hidden: true,
name: "地方编码分支机构",
path: "/Org/Branch",
active: "Branch",
name: "地方编码分支机构详情",
path: "/Org/BranchMsg",
active: "Branch",
hidden: true,
name: "国际物品编码组织(GS1)",
path: "",
type: "link",
name: "国际物品编码组织(GS1)成员网站",
path: "/Org/GS1Members",
active: "GS1Members",
name: "质量管理体系",
path: "/Org/ISO",
children: [
name: "指导思想",
path: "/Org/ISO/Ideology",
active: "Ideology",
name: "质量方针",
path: "/Org/ISO/Policy",
active: "Policy",
name: "质量目标",
path: "/Org/ISO/Goal",
active: "Goal",
name: "质量管理手册",
path: "/Org/ISO/Manual",
active: "Manual",
name: "程序文件",
path: "/Org/ISO/Files",
active: "Files",
computed: {
routes() {
let newRouteList = []
let newRouteList = [];
const currentPath = this.$route.path;
newRouteList = this.deepFindRoutes(this.routeList, currentPath);
return newRouteList;
......@@ -130,6 +136,7 @@ export default {
deep(menuList, activePath);
console.log(current, "current");
return current;
<div class="guide">
<div class="guide-msg container">
<div class="msg-cont">
export default {
data() {
return {};
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.guide {
@include module-box;
.guide-msg {
margin: 30px 0;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 300;
.msg-cont {
padding: 0 15px;
dl {
line-height: 28px;
dt {
font-weight: bold;
dd {
text-indent: 2em;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ export default {
computed: {
currentName() {
console.log(this.$, 'this.$');
return this.$;
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