Commit 7057b6d3 by 林家欣

fix: 修改发布后接口配置

parent f62c5d85
VUE_APP_CURRENTMODE = "development"
VUE_APP_GDS_URL = "/gds"
VUE_APP_LOG = true
\ No newline at end of file
VUE_APP_CURRENTMODE = "production"
VUE_APP_LOG = false
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ gzip_vary on;
gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\.";
server {
listen 8088;
listen 9091;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
<div id="app">
<div id="app">
export default {
created() {
console.log(process.env, 'process.env');
padding: 0 !important;
.container-fluid {
padding: 0 !important;
import {
} from "./fetch.js"
// import {
// GET
// } from "./fetch.js"
import Vue from "vue";
import VueResource from 'vue-resource'
const Prefix = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? '/gs1' : '';
const Prefix2 = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? '/gs1' : process.env.VUE_APP_API_URL;
/* 公共接口 */
// 首页大轮播图
const getCaptcha = (query = {}) => {
return GET(`${Prefix}/office/captcha.jpg`, query)
return Vue.http.get(`${Prefix2}/office/captcha.jpg?uuid=${query.uuid}`, {
responseType: "blob",
import home from "./module/home.js"
......@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ import {
} from "@/utils/cookie.js"
const baseUrl = process.env.BASE_URL
const baseUrl = process.env.VUE_APP_API_URL;
console.log(process.env, baseUrl, 'baseUrl');
function fetch(options) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const instance = axios.create({
......@@ -3,1046 +3,3 @@ export const QUERY_PAGE_SIZE = 10
export const QUERY_PAGE_SIZE_10 = 10
export const QUERY_PAGE_SIZE_20 = 20
export const QUERY_PAGE_SIZE_All = 999999
// 二维码状态
export const QrCodeStatus = {
// 就位
ready: 0,
// 已扫描
scanned: 1,
// 已同意
agreed: 2,
// 已取消
cancelled: 3,
// 过期
outdated: 4,
// 家庭成员角色
export const FamilyRoleType = {
// 物权所有者
owner: 0,
// 家庭成员
member: 1
// 小区管理角色
export const BlockRoleType = {
// 普通业主
simple: 0,
// 综治局 超级管理员
admin: 1,
// 物业人员
servant: 2,
// 会计
accountant: 3,
// 业委会委员
comMember: 4,
// 临管人员
temporal: 5,
// 社区
community: 6,
// 物管办
management: 7,
// 网格员
gridManager: 8,
export const BlockRoleSortIndex = (type) => {
if (type === BlockRoleType.admin) {
return 1
} else if (type === BlockRoleType.comMember) {
return 2
} else if (type === {
return 3
} else if (type === BlockRoleType.servant) {
return 4
} else if (type === BlockRoleType.temporal) {
return 5
} else if (type === {
return 6
} else if (type === {
return 7
} else if (type === BlockRoleType.gridManager) {
return 8
return 9
export const BlockRoleNameFromType = (type) => {
if (type === BlockRoleType.admin) {
return "综治局管理员"
} else if (type === BlockRoleType.servant) {
return "物业人员"
} else if (type === {
return "代账会计"
} else if (type === BlockRoleType.comMember) {
return "业委会委员"
} else if (type === BlockRoleType.simple) {
return "普通用户"
} else if (type === BlockRoleType.temporal) {
return "临管人员"
} else if (type === {
return "社区人员"
} else if (type === {
return "物管办"
} else if (type === BlockRoleType.gridManager) {
return "网格员"
return "普通用户"
export const GetBlockRoleTypeFromString = (roleStr) => {
if (roleStr === 'admin') {
return BlockRoleType.admin
} else if (roleStr === 'servant') {
return BlockRoleType.servant
} else if (roleStr === 'accountant') {
} else if (roleStr === 'comMember') {
return BlockRoleType.comMember
} else if (roleStr === 'temporal') {
return BlockRoleType.temporal
} else if (roleStr === 'community') {
} else if (roleStr === 'management') {
} else if (roleStr === 'gridManager') {
return BlockRoleType.gridManager
return BlockRoleType.simple
// 账户类型
export const AccountType = {
// 公共收益账户
normal: 0,
// 维修基金账户
repair: 1
// 账户资金流向类型
export const AccountDirectionType = {
// 收入
income: 0,
// 支出
outcome: 1
export const MatterType = {
// 全部
all: '0',
// 公函
letter: '1',
// 业主大会
vote: '2',
// 业主大会-表决结果
voteResult: '3',
// 公示
publicity: '4',
// 公告
announcement: '5',
// 会议纪要
minutes: '6',
// 整改单
rectification: '7'
export const GetMatterTypeString = (type) => {
const matterType = String(type)
if (matterType === MatterType.letter) {
return "公函"
} else if (matterType === {
return "业主大会"
} else if (matterType === MatterType.voteResult) {
return "业主大会-表决结果"
} else if (matterType === MatterType.publicity) {
return "公示"
} else if (matterType === MatterType.announcement) {
return "公告"
} else if (matterType === MatterType.minutes) {
return "会议纪要"
} else if (matterType === MatterType.rectification) {
return "整改单"
return "";
export const GetMatterTypeColor = (type) => {
const matterType = String(type)
if (matterType === MatterType.letter) {
return "#7275EF"
} else if (matterType === {
return "#EF7272"
} else if (matterType === MatterType.voteResult) {
return "#C16859"
} else if (matterType === MatterType.publicity) {
return "#D1AAF5"
} else if (matterType === MatterType.announcement) {
return "#58ACAB"
} else if (matterType === MatterType.minutes) {
return "#6B6A6A"
} else if (matterType === MatterType.rectification) {
return "#FFB73F"
return "#6B6A6A";
export const MatterStatusOwnerCode = {
// 拒绝公示
refuse: -1,
// 业委会投票未开始
ownerUnStart: 0,
// 业委会投票进行中
ownerInProgress: 1,
// 居民投票未开始
memberUnStart: 2,
// 居民投票进行中
memberInProgress: 3,
// 社区审核中
communityInProgress: 4,
// 物管会审核中
managementInProgress: 5,
// 物管办驳回
managementRefuse: 97,
// 社区驳回
communityRefuse: 98,
// 事项结束
end: 99
* 业委会状态
export const PHASE_STATUS = {
OneStage: 1,
TwoStage: 2,
ThreeStage: 3,
FiveStage: 5,
SixStage: 6,
SevenStage: 7,
EngitStage: 8,
* 一阶段状态
export const ONE_STAGE_STATUS = {
init: {
num: 0,
title: '待申请'
submitted: {
num: 1,
title: '申请待审核'
naming: {
num: 2,
title: '联名中'
namingEnd: {
num: 3,
title: '联名已结束待审核'
approved: {
num: 4,
title: '联名申请已通过'
rejected: {
num: 9,
title: '驳回'
rejectedSubmit: {
num: 99,
title: '申请事项终止'
rejectedNaming: {
num: 98,
title: '联名事项终止'
* 二阶段状态
export const TWO_STAGE_STATUS = {
init: {
num: 0,
title: '待起草'
checkingDraft: {
num: 1,
title: '待检查'
fixing: {
num: 2,
title: '检查未过,待修改'
checkingFix: {
num: 3,
title: '待检查'
renName: {
num: 4,
title: '待报名开始'
renPending: {
num: 14,
title: '待报名结束'
renEnd: {
num: 15,
title: '报名结束'
approvingReg: {
num: 5,
title: '报名已结束'
naming: {
num: 6,
title: '待联名结束'
namingEnd: {
num: 17,
title: '联名已结束'
approvingNaming: {
num: 7,
title: '联名已结束待审核'
pubCandidatesNotice: {
num: 8,
title: '待公示'
fixingCandidatesNotice: {
num: 9,
title: '检查未过,待修改'
approvingCandidates: {
num: 10,
title: '待检查'
wait: {
num: 11,
title: '筹备组候选人已公示'
next: {
num: 12,
title: '筹备组候选人已确定'
regNotEnough: {
num: 96,
title: '报名数量不足结束流程'
regApproveNotEnough: {
num: 97,
title: '报名审核数量不足结束流程'
namingNotEnough: {
num: 98,
title: '联名数量不足结束流程'
namingApproveNotEnough: {
num: 90,
title: '联名审核数量不足结束流程'
reject: {
num: 99,
title: '公示期内终止'
init: {
num: 0,
title: '保存未提交'
reg: {
num: 1,
title: '提交报名待审核'
regApproved: {
num: 2,
title: '报名审核通过'
naming: {
num: 3,
title: '联名待审核'
candidate: {
num: 4,
title: '联名审核通过'
member: {
num: 5,
title: '被选举成为筹备组成员'
memberQuit: {
num: 51,
title: '退出筹备组成员'
namingNotEnough: {
num: 97,
title: '联名人数不足'
namingReject: {
num: 98,
title: '联名审核不通过'
regReject: {
num: 99,
title: '报名审核未通过'
* 三阶段状态
export const THREE_STAGE_STATUS = {
init: {
num: 0,
title: '待起草'
submitted: {
num: 1,
title: '待检查'
fixing: {
num: 2,
title: '检查未过,待修改'
approveElectNotice: {
num: 3,
title: '待检查'
electoStart: {
num: 41,
title: '成员互选中'
electoRetry: {
num: 42,
title: '成员互选中'
electoEnd: {
num: 43,
title: '互选结果待确认'
electVice: {
num: 5,
title: '副组长选举中'
electViceRetry: {
num: 51,
title: '副组长选举中'
electViceApprove: {
num: 52,
title: '选举结果待确认'
notice: {
num: 6,
title: '待公示'
noticeFixing: {
num: 61,
title: '检查未过,待修改'
approveListNotice: {
num: 7,
title: '待检查'
wait: {
num: 70,
title: '筹备组成员已公示'
next: {
num: 8,
title: '筹备组成员已确定'
rejected: {
num: 99,
title: '公示期内终止'
* 四阶段状态
export const FOUR_STAGE_STATUS = {
draft: {
num: 10,
title: '待起草'
nego: {
num: 11,
title: '商议中'
fix: {
num: 12,
title: '异议待修正'
approve: {
num: 13,
title: '商议完成待检查'
notice: {
num: 14,
title: '待公示'
noticeFix: {
num: 15,
title: '检查未过,待修改'
noticeApprove: {
num: 16,
title: '待检查'
noticePass: {
num: 17,
title: '已公示'
next: {
num: 88,
title: '已公示'
* 五阶段状态
export const FIVE_STAGE_STATUS = {
// init: {
// num: 0,
// title: '待起草'
// },
checkingDraft: {
num: 1,
title: '待检查'
fixing: {
num: 2,
title: '检查未过,待修改'
checkingFix: {
num: 3,
title: '待检查'
renName: {
num: 4,
title: '待报名开始'
renPending: {
num: 14,
title: '待报名结束'
renEnd: {
num: 15,
title: '报名已结束'
approvingReg: {
num: 5,
title: '报名结束待审核'
naming: {
num: 6,
title: '联名中'
namingEnd: {
num: 17,
title: '联名已结束'
approvingNaming: {
num: 7,
title: '联名结束待审核'
pubCandidatesNotice: {
num: 8,
title: '待公示'
fixingCandidatesNotice: {
num: 9,
title: '检查未过,待修改'
approvingCandidates: {
num: 10,
title: '待检查'
wait: {
num: 11,
title: '业委会参选人已公示'
next: {
num: 12,
title: '业委会参选人已确定'
NamingNotEnough: {
num: 90,
title: '联名审核数量不足结束流程'
regNotEnough: {
num: 96,
title: '报名数量不足结束流程'
regApproveNotEnough: {
num: 97,
title: '报名审核数量不足结束流程'
namingNotEnough: {
num: 98,
title: '联名数量不足结束流程'
reject: {
num: 99,
title: '公示期内终止'
unknown: {
num: -1,
title: '未知'
* 六阶段状态
export const SIX_STAGE_STATUS = {
init: {
num: 0,
title: '待起草'
submitted: {
num: 1,
title: '待检查'
fixing: {
num: 2,
title: '检查未过,待修改'
approveFixng: {
num: 3,
title: '待检查'
electStapt: {
num: 4,
electRetry: {
num: 41,
title: '推选中'
electEnd: {
num: 5,
title: '报名已结束'
approvingReg: {
num: 5,
title: '推选结束'
listNotice: {
num: 6,
title: '推选完成'
listNoticeFixing: {
num: 61,
title: '推选完成'
approveListNotice: {
num: 7,
title: '推选完成'
wait: {
num: 70,
title: '业委会候选人已公示'
next: {
num: 8,
title: '业委会候选人已确定'
rejected: {
num: 99,
title: '公示期内终止'
* 七阶段状态
export const SEVEN_STAGE_STATUS = {
init: {
num: 0,
title: '待起草'
noticeSubmitted: {
num: 1,
title: '待检查'
noticeToModify: {
num: 2,
title: '检查未过,待修改'
noticePass: {
num: 3,
title: '待投票开始'
voting: {
num: 4,
title: '待投票结束'
voted: {
num: 5,
title: '投票结束'
votedResultAnnounceApprovalPending: {
num: 6,
title: '投票结束'
votedResultAnnounceToModify: {
num: 7,
title: '投票结束'
votedResultDismissedDuring: {
num: 8,
title: '业委会成员已公示'
success: {
num: 9,
title: '业委会成员已确定'
fail: {
num: 99,
title: '公示期内终止'
notMoreThanHalfFail: {
num: 91,
title: '事项终止'
* 政治面貌
export const RENOVATION_NAME = {
COMMUNIST: '中共党员',
COMMUNIST_PRE: '中共预备党员',
LEAGUE: '共青团员',
NONPARTY: '无党派人士',
MASS: '群众'
init: {
num: 0,
title: '保存未提交'
reg: {
num: 1,
title: '提交报名待审核'
regApproved: {
num: 2,
title: '报名审核通过'
naming: {
num: 3,
title: '联名待审核'
candidate: {
num: 4,
title: '联名审核通过'
member: {
num: 5,
title: '被选举成为业委会成员'
memberQuit: {
num: 41,
title: '成为候选人'
namingNotEnough: {
num: 97,
title: '联名人数不足'
namingReject: {
num: 98,
title: '联名审核不通过'
regReject: {
num: 99,
title: '报名审核未通过'
* 顶部路由按钮
export const ROUTER_LINK_CODE_NAME = [
code: 'TP02',
name: '发布筹备组候选人报名通知',
url: '/cmtmgmt/twoStageRegistrationNotice'
code: 'TP03',
name: '发起筹备组选举',
url: '/cmtmgmt/threeStageElectNotice'
code: 'TP05',
name: '发布业侯报名通知',
url: '/cmtmgmt/fiveStageRegistrationNotice'
code: 'TP06',
name: '发起选举通知',
url: '/cmtmgmt/launchOwnerVote'
code: 'TP07',
name: '发起业主大会',
url: '/cmtmgmt/launchOwnerVote'
code: 'TP08',
name: '发起业委会主任选举',
url: '/cmtmgmt/threeStageBrightCode'
* 操作按钮
export const OPERATE_CODE_NAME = {
A01: '审批申请书',
A02: '审批联名人',
B01: '编辑通知',
B02: '检查通知',
B03: '修改通知',
B05: '审批报名表',
B06: '审批联名表',
B07: '公示',
B08: '检查公示',
B09: '修改公示',
B10: '终止',
C01: '编辑筹备组选举通知',
C02: '检查通知',
C03: '修正通知',
C04: '亮码',
C05: '确认成员选举结果',
C06: '确认副组长选举结果',
C07: '公示选举结果',
C08: '检查公示',
C09: '修改公示',
C10: '终止',
C11: '亮码',
// 《业委会选举办法》文件
D11: '检查',
D12: '公示',
D13: '修改公示',
D14: '检查公示',
// 《管理规约》文件
D21: '检查',
D22: '公示',
D23: '修改公示',
D24: '检查公示',
// 《议事规则》文件
D31: '检查',
D32: '公示',
D33: '修改公示',
D34: '检查公示',
// 《业主大会召开方案》文件
D41: '检查',
D42: '公示',
D43: '修改公示',
D44: '检查公示',
// 《业主大会费用预算》文件
D51: '检查',
D52: '公示',
D53: '修改公示',
D54: '检查公示',
// 《业主票权》文件
D61: '检查',
D62: '公示',
D63: '修正',
D64: '检查',
E01: '编辑',
E02: '修改',
E03: '检查',
E04: '审批',
E05: '审批',
E06: '公示',
E07: '修改',
E08: '检查',
E09: '终止',
// 第六阶段
F01: '编辑',
F02: '修改',
F03: '检查',
F04: '亮码',
F05: '确认',
F06: '公示',
F07: '修改',
F08: '检查',
F09: '终止',
// 第七阶段
G01: '检查',
G02: '修改',
G03: '公示',
G04: '检查',
G05: '修改',
G06: '终止',
// 第八阶段
H01: '确认',
H02: '公示',
H03: '检查',
H04: '修改',
H05: '亮码',
* 资料名称
export const MATERIAL_CODE_NAME = {
AF01: '申请书',
AF02: '联名书',
BF01: '通知',
BF02: '报名表',
BF03: '联名表',
BF04: '公示名单',
CF01: '选举通知',
CF02: '成员选举结果',
CF03: '副组长选举结果',
CF04: '选举结果公示',
// 阶段四
DF01: '历史编撰记录',
DF02: '历史编撰记录',
DF03: '历史编撰记录',
DF04: '历史编撰记录',
DF05: '历史编撰记录',
DF06: '历史编撰记录',
DF11: '《业委会选举办法》文件公示',
DF12: '《管理规约》文件公示',
DF13: '《议事规则》文件公示',
DF14: '《业主大会召开方案》文件公示',
DF15: '《业主大会费用预算》文件公示',
DF16: '《业主票权》文件公示',
// 阶段五
EF01: '通知',
EF02: '报名表',
EF03: '联名表',
EF04: '公示',
// 阶段六
FF01: '通知',
FF02: '推选结果表',
FF03: '公示',
// 阶段七
GF01: '通知',
GF02: '投票结果表',
GF03: '公示',
// 阶段八
HF01: '推选结果表',
HF02: '公示'
export const COMMITTEE_TITLE = [
name: "业委会候选人报名通知",
code: 5
name: '业委会参选人名单公示',
code: 51,
name: "业委会参选人名单公示审批",
code: 52
name: "业委会候选人推选通知",
code: 6,
name: "业委会候选人名单公示",
code: 61
name: "业委会候选人名单公示审批",
code: 62
export const DETAILS_TITLE = [
name: "业委会候选人推选通知",
code: 'F03'
name: '业委会候选人推选选举结果',
code: 'F05',
name: "业委会候选人名单公示",
code: 'F06'
name: "业委会候选人名单公示",
code: 'F08',
type: true
name: "业委会候选人名单公示",
code: 'F09',
type: true
name: "业委会候选人名单公示",
code: 'FF03',
type: true
name: "业委会选举表决单",
code: 'G01'
name: '业委会选举表决结果的公示',
code: 'G03',
type: true
name: "业委会委员选举公示",
code: 'G04',
type: true
name: "业委会主任选举结果",
code: 'H01',
name: '业委会主任推选结果公示',
code: 'H02',
type: true
name: "业委会主任选举结果公示",
code: 'H03',
type: true
name: "业委会主任选举结果公示",
code: 'HF02',
type: true
\ No newline at end of file
// 节流
export function throttle(fn, interval) {
let delay = interval || 1500
let previous = 0
return function() {
let now =
let that = this
let args = arguments
if (now - previous > delay) {
fn.apply(that, args)
previous = now
let delay = interval || 1500
let previous = 0
return function () {
let now =
let that = this
let args = arguments
if (now - previous > delay) {
fn.apply(that, args)
previous = now
// 防抖
export function debounce(fn, interval) {
let delay = interval || 1500
let timer = null
return function() {
let that = this
let args = arguments
timer && clearTimeout(timer)
timer = setTimeout(function() {
fn.apply(that, args)
}, delay)
let delay = interval || 1500
let timer = null
return function () {
let that = this
let args = arguments
timer && clearTimeout(timer)
timer = setTimeout(function () {
fn.apply(that, args)
}, delay)
var unique = 0;
export function uuid(prefix) {
const time =;
const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000);
return prefix + '_' + random + unique + String(time);
const time =;
const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000);
return prefix + '_' + random + unique + String(time);
// 一维数组转换成二维数组
export const groupList = (list, length) => {
const pages = [];
list.forEach((item, index) => {
const page = Math.floor(index / length);
if (!pages[page]) {
pages[page] = [];
return pages;
const pages = [];
list.forEach((item, index) => {
const page = Math.floor(index / length);
if (!pages[page]) {
pages[page] = [];
return pages;
* 获取uuid
export const getUUID = () => {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, c => {
return (c === 'x' ? (Math.random() * 16 | 0) : ('r&0x3' | '0x8')).toString(16)
\ No newline at end of file
* 获取uuid
export const getUUID = () => {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, c => {
return (c === 'x' ? (Math.random() * 16 | 0) : ('r&0x3' | '0x8')).toString(16)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -1009,7 +1009,8 @@ export default {
// 商品全球身份证
async homeNewGtin() {
this.$http.get("/gds/Data/NewGtin").then((res) => {
console.log(process.env, 'process.env');
this.$http.get(`${process.env.VUE_APP_GDS_URL}/Data/NewGtin`).then((res) => {
res.body.murl = `${res.body.murl}`;
res.body.surl = `${res.body.surl}`;
this.spqqsfz = res.body;
......@@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ export default {
// 获取验证码
getCaptcha() {
this.uuid = getUUID();
.get(`/gs1/office/captcha.jpg?uuid=${this.uuid}`, {
responseType: "blob",
.then((res) => {
this.captchaPath = window.URL.createObjectURL(res.body);
const query = {
uuid: this.uuid,
this.$api.getCaptcha(query).then((res) => {
console.log(res, 'res');
this.captchaPath = window.URL.createObjectURL(res.body);
handleSearch() {
this.searchCodeShow =;
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